Certificate in Sign Language Teaching (QF Level: 3; QF credit: 48; QR Registration No.: 18/000048/L3)

This programme will start in Jan 2025 and is now open for enrolment until 28 October 2024 (Monday).
Enquiry: course@cslds.org

This programme has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund (Course code: 38C130746). This course is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level [3])

Programme duration: 10 months (Part-time mode)
Programme start date: January 2025
Click here to download
Tuition fee:
Total contact hours:
160 hours
Deadline for application:
28 October 2024 (Monday)
Application fee:
Application procedures:

Please post the completed application form and relevant documents below to Rm 104, Academic Building No. 2, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Subject: Application form) by 28 October 2024 (Monday):

  • A completed application form
  • Original of the bank-in slip or a screenshot of the online bank transfer record/FPS payment record of application fee
  • A copy of Hong Kong Identity Card
  • Copies of certificates of academic qualifications, e.g., HKCEE, HKDSE etc.
Application form:
Poster: Download
Financial Aids: To be announced.

Continuing Education Fund (CEF):

Application for Continuing Education Fund (CEF) is available for this programme.
Please proceed to the CEF official website for details:
For enquiries, please directly contact CEF via:

Programme objectives:

The objectives of the Programme are to:

  1. offer academically grounded practical training in sign language teaching;
  2. develop skills and awareness of the role of sign language teachers; and
  3. prepare students for more advanced training in sign language teaching.

Programme learning outcomes:

Upon completion of this programme, students are expected to be able to:

  1. explain and dispel misconceptions on deafness and sign languages;
  2. develop a general understanding on keys concepts in language teaching; and
  3. apply relevant knowledge and skills required for teaching sign language for different types of learners.

Programme features

The programme targets on students who have a good command of Hong Kong Sign Language but lack knowledge about language teaching approaches and syllabus design. Current Sign Language teachers who expect to enhance their skills through relevant training and those who are interested to develop a career in Sign Language teaching will be prepared to apply knowledge about the grammar of Hong Kong Sign Language to lesson planning and develop effective strategies to teach and assess learners of HKSL enrolled in various types of courses including introductory courses for deaf culture promotion programmes, courses for basic communication at the workplace involving deaf employees and language classes for parents of deaf children. In addition to fulfilling the attendance requirement and passing the assessments, students need to observe HKSL classes conducted by trained deaf teachers and conduct classes of HKSL during the last part of the programme. Students graduating from this programme are encouraged to enrol into other advanced courses for developing a career in sign language teaching.

Programme structure:


Contact hours

Basic Sign Language Grammar

30 hours

Introduction to Sign Languages and Deaf Communities

15 hours

Sign Language Teaching Methodology

30 hours

Sign Language Syllabus and Materials Design

30 hours


55 hours

Medium of instruction:

Hong Kong Sign Language and written Chinese / English

Entry requirement:

Applicants should have completed Form 5 (HKCEE) or Form 6 (HKDSE) or obtained equivalent qualifications (e.g. grade 11 in the US Education system); applicants should demonstrate language proficiency in Hong Kong Sign Language at least at the intermediate level; mature applicants at the age of 21 or above who do not meet the above minimum admission requirements but possess a demonstrated ability (e.g. good presentation skills and communication ability in Hong Kong Sign Language, Chinese and English) to pursue the programme are eligible to apply for admission.

Applicants are required to attend a Hong Kong Sign Language proficiency test, a written test in Chinese and English and a face-to-face interview. Admissions will be subject to the decision of the selection committee.

Reason for appling this course
What will you get from this course?

Download Forms

Academic Appeal Application form

Fundraising for Sign Bilingualism and Co-enrolment in Deaf Education Programme