
15th anniversary of Sign bilingualism and co-enrolment education events

Date: 31/12/2021

Sign bilingualism and co-enrolment education model has been implemented in Hong Kong for 15 years. This model has been developed into a ‘through-train’ education model for deaf students from pre-school education to secondary education as well as tertiary education, and established inclusion in society where deaf students can fully participate in. To celebrate the 15th anniversary of the model implementation, the centre launched a series of activities in 2021-2022 with support from the Labor and Welfare Bureau, to promote the education concepts of “sign bilingualism” and “co-enrolment” in education. The activities aim to promote sign language to the public, so people can understand deaf culture and deaf people’s needs in communication and education through experiential sign language activities. We hope the public would understand that sign bilingualism and co-enrolment education model enables deaf and hard-of-hearing students to enjoy equal educational opportunities, academic and social development.

The following are two of the major promotional activities that the Center has organized.



由於疫情關係,是次的專業講座及研討會把參加者分成4個獨立的房間並同時觀看講座。並在講座結束後把老師們分成不同的小組 (中文科、英文科、數學科、特殊教育) 並進行手語雙語體驗班。


手語雙語體驗班: 中文科:

手語雙語體驗班: 英文科

手語雙語體驗班: 數學科

手語雙語體驗班: 特殊教育



本次國際講座系列中,香港中文大學手語及聾人研究中心邀請到來自中國 (香港特別行政區、澳門特別行政區、浙江衢州) 、奧地利、德國、美國、澳洲以及荷蘭的教育學者和研究人員。他們將分享各自地區的共融教育計劃、教育理念和實踐成果,並討論共融教育對聾童、弱聽兒童和健聽學生的正面影響及當前面臨的挑戰。詳情可參考活動網站:

「手語雙語共融教育」經驗交流工作坊– 12月11日活動照片

「手語雙語共融教育」經驗交流工作坊– 12月14日活動照片

「手語雙語共融教育」經驗交流工作坊– 12月16日活動照片

Fundraising for Sign Bilingualism and Co-enrolment in Deaf Education Programme