
Mag.a Dr.in Silvia Kramreiter

University College of Teacher Education Vienna/Krems

Co-enrollment education for students with and without disabilities Bimodal-bilingual, mixed-age inclusion in Vienna

In Austria, the first bilingual school projects developed around 1990. In 2012, an inclusive, mixed age and bimodal-bilingual model was implemented in Vienna. This model has existed successfully for 10 years and is recognized in the community and in education. The presentation should show the structure, challenges and benefits of the model. The model is currently being comprehensively analyzed under the direction of Ms. Kramreiter and a large research team from the University College of Teacher Education in Vienna.

Dr. Silvia Kramreiter teaches at the University college of Teacher Education in Vienna/Krems and at the University of Vienna. Her teaching and research focus is inclusive education and sign language education. She was a co-founder of the bimodal-bilingual school project in Vienna and is also responsible for the sign language pedagogical training of teachers in Vienna